Buying Or Selling Used Goods


Below is a list of recommended website which are well known and reputable for excellent customer service. We encourage users to compare prices between these sites to get the best prices.


When selling goods on the internet there is no site greater than eBay this is due to their world wide coverage, huge client base & their reputation for offering a quality service.

Things to remember:

-You need to register as a user to gain full access to eBay (its free!).
-Once you have registered with eBay make use of their many excellent help services to sell efficiently.
-Buy before you sell, to understand the buying process and improve you selling strategy.

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Getting the best Prices

-Look for NO BID items, Some items never get bids and good products can be bought at extremely low prices. (Many internet users have made business profiting from this)

-Miss spell Keywords when searching - "Why" Many people spell their keywords incorrectly when creating their adds in turn they get alot less traffic hence less bidders, a lot of bargains can be found like this. E.g when searching "computers" you could try "Computors".

-Try a "favorite seacrh", like this you will be notified each specific item is for sale over a period of time you can get the best possible price.

-Shop Off Peak, While this is not always feasable buying at sale time (After Christmas) like any store will help you get a better deal.

-Ensure the price is the best, Use website like Pricerunner which will search the web for the best possible price to compare. Link Below

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